My experiences vs yours...
My knowledge vs yours...
My sacred cows vs yours...
My delusions vs yours...
Before we make assumptions, inter-personal relationships are not built upon "versus," but upon mutual respect. When accusations are made, personal doubt accompanied by emotion often ensues. In all truthfulness however, God is personal to many...and according to them, His image must not be questioned. Is is their whole reality.
It's not a matter of ourselves vs a competitive ideology.
John Piper vs Rob Bell
Sam Harris vs William Lane Craig
R.C. Sproul vs John McArthur
Leprechauns vs tooth fairies
Heart issues, let's talk about that. We may get caught up too much in ideology, thus causing divisiveness. Can we meet in our fragility? Talk about what led us to how we think, meet each other where we are at.
Personally, the false beliefs I cling to are many...if I knew what they were I'd try to change that paradigm. So I try not make absolute statements and pin others as hateful when we question what may be deemed as "the solid rock."
My sister asked me to listen to the "Though You Slay Me" video - which led me to your comments - which then led me to your videos & blog. Your cello music is great!
I've learned to just say, "Glad that God has given you the gift of Faith. He apparently chose to not give it to me."
Thank you Betsy for your kind words. I just wish people wouldn't take difference of opinion so emotionally.
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